How can we get our language onto ourlingo 1.0?

To register your interest in adding a language to ourlingo 1.0, contact Indigenous Languages and Arts on [email protected]

You will need to consider:

  • Choosing a Digital Language Officer, someone with a medium level of digital expertise and interest, potentially with a background in school or community education
  • Some resources, including a computer with internet access, as well as an iOS or Android device
  • Some documentation of your language words and phrases. This will need to be converted into a spreadsheet (CSV file) before being uploaded to ourlingo 1.0.

Managing rights

Australian languages fall under Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP).

ICIP refers to all the rights that Indigenous people have, and want to have, to protect their traditional arts and culture.

ICIP is a short way of saying Australian “Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property”. Sometimes the words “Cultural Heritage” are used to mean the same thing.

If your language Community decides to participate in ourlingo 1.0, a representative will work with you to create an ICIP agreement.

Some cool stuff you need to know

  • You can lock your language, or open it for everyone to learn
  • You get to build and create games
  • You can use the iOS app offline
  • The more content you put it, the better it gets
  • You can record your own audio, video and imagery to create your own language space
  • ourlingo 1.0’s going to keep growing, so send us your ideas

Choosing your Digital Language Team


  • Setting up the ourlingo 1.0 platform, using the instructions in this on-boarding package
  • Communicating with the ourlingo 1.0 representative to pass on feedback and report issues
  • Adding users to the digital language community and determining their level of access, ie content author, teacher or student
  • Working with teachers and community leaders to create language learning material that can be used in school and community classrooms
  • Using the content creation resources to build interactive, language learning materials
  • Helping and mentoring new users

Personal attributes

  • Digitally curious people that enjoy using phones and computers
  • High level of self motivation
  • Like working with people

Things you’ll need

  • Computer
  • Phone or tablet
  • Good internet access
  • All your language books, videos, recordings etc. Anything you have that your language is in
  • Access to your language speakers
  • Help from your friends


The initial dictionary upload to ourlingo 1.0 should contain as many words and phrases as you can in your language. A representative from ourlingo 1.0 will help you to convert this into the appropriate format for uploading to the platform.

After this you will be able to continue to add/edit words and phrases individually.

All Activities in ourlingo 1.0 draw on content from the dictionary, so any changes you make to the dictionary will automatically update everywhere they are being used.

Language word, English translation and audio recording are the minimum requirement for most activity types. However, adding images and video you will open up many more Activities, as well as enhance the dictionary experience for your language learners.

Get a log in

Once the ourlingo 1.0 representative has got you started, it’s time to get a log in and password. This gives you everything you need to get your language up and running for everyone. From here, all further users will be added or maintained by the Community Administrator role in your language group.

Spread the word

When you are ready, spread the word of ourlingo 1.0 in your community. Users will be able to access the app for free by searching ‘ourlingo‘ in the iOS app store, the Google Play store or by visiting From there they will be able to find their language, apply for access and begin to use the dictionary and activity sequences available.

Keep it growing

When you and your community first begin using ourlingo 1.0, you may have very little content. However, as more people use and explore the platform and contribute, the dictionary content, activities and learning opportunities will grow. Encourage community participation by inviting image submissions for the dictionary, holding events where you record dictionary audio, songs and stories in language.